Disability Support

NDIS Support

How we care for our participants

At Lilium Care, we’re dedicated to providing exceptional support tailored to the unique needs of each participant. Our services are designed to empower participants, helping them achieve their goals and enjoy a fulfilling life. 

We understand that everyone’s journey is different, and that’s why our range of services is as diverse and adaptable as the needs of the individuals we support. 

Our team of professionals works tirelessly to ensure that each participant receives the highest standard of care, customised to their personal preferences and requirements.

Disabled man with down syndrome walking outside with support worker

Nursing Care

Our nurses at Lilium Care provide professional medical support to clients with acute, chronic and complex care needs. We understand the challenges of managing changing medical needs and co-morbidities, and our nurses are an accessible point of contact to assist clients through these challenges.

Assistance with Daily Activities

At Lilium Care, we believe in supporting independence and promoting a sense of self-reliance. Our Assistance with Daily Activities services are designed to help participants with their day-to-day tasks, allowing them to live as independently as possible.

Nursing Care

Comprehensive and Compassionate Healthcare

Our Nursing Care services are thoughtfully designed to cater to the health needs of every individual and deliver day to day care; provide health education and promotion; advance illness prevention and healthy lifestyle choices; monitor, assess and respond to changes in clients’ health status, medication management, and care plans; liaise and coordinate inter-disciplinary care providers as well as provide access to appropriate psycho-social support. 

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Our skilled nurses ensure accurate and timely medication administration, managing complex medication schedules with ease.

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We provide expert care for participants needing catheter maintenance and wound management, ensuring comfort and promoting healing.

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For participants with PEG feeding requirements, our team offers compassionate and competent support, ensuring nutritional needs are met with the utmost care.

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Our nurses are trained in diabetic care, helping participants manage their diabetes effectively through monitoring, education, and support.

Assistance with Daily Activities

Empowering Everyday Independence

At Lilium Care, our Assistance with Daily Activities service is designed to empower participants by supporting their independence and daily living. We understand that each participant has unique needs and preferences, and our personalised approach ensures that they receive care that is not just effective but also respectful of their individuality.

Every aspect of our Assistance with Daily Activities service is geared towards enhancing the quality of life of our participants, respecting their autonomy, and supporting them in living a fulfilling and independent life.

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Assistance with dressing, personal hygiene, and other personal care needs, respecting the privacy and preferences of each participant.

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We help with meal planning, preparation, and grocery shopping, ensuring participants enjoy nutritious, enjoyable meals.

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Our service includes transport assistance to and from medical and social appointments, ensuring participants stay connected with their community and healthcare providers.

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We provide support with mobility, including assistance with exercises such as hydrotherapy and physiotherapy routines, enhancing physical wellbeing and independence.

Looking to make a NDIS referral?

Do you know someone who could benefit from our personalised, compassionate care services? At Lilium Care, we’re passionate about extending our support to more individuals under the NDIS. Making a referral is a simple yet impactful way to help someone you care about access the high-quality care and support they deserve. 

By referring them to Lilium Care, you’re not just connecting them with our services; you’re opening doors to a world of tailored care, dedicated support, and a community that genuinely cares about their wellbeing.

Let's chat

Contact Us at Lilium Care

If you’re looking for information, need some advice on our services, or just want to discuss your care needs, we’re here and ready to assist. We value open communication and are committed to understanding and addressing your individual requirements.

Call us

0402 310 867

Call us

0450 723 115

Email us



Adelaide, South Australia