Together, Let's Make Life Brighter

At Lilium Care, we strive to provide disability support where individual needs are met with understanding, care, and a smile, illuminating the path to a brighter, more fulfilling life for everyone we support

Happy disabled woman with down syndrome smiling at camera

Together, Let's Make Life Brighter

At Lilium Care, we strive to provide disability support where individual needs are met with understanding, care, and a smile, illuminating the path to a brighter, more fulfilling life for everyone we support

Tailored Holistic Care

Customised care plans focusing on physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing for each participant.

Consistent Quality Team

Dedicated professionals providing continuous and reliable care, enhancing personal connections and effective outcomes.

Empowering Independence

Focused on enabling participant autonomy through daily assistance and specialised support services.

Our commitment

Your go-to Trusted NDIS Provider

Our commitment to excellence is not just a promise, it’s our practice. We are dedicated to elevating the standard of care in every interaction and service. 

Our team is continually trained in the latest care techniques and approaches, ensuring that our participants receive the most effective and compassionate care possible. 

We believe in going the extra mile to not only meet but exceed expectations, creating a care experience that is both transformative and reassuring.

Call us

0402 310 867

Disabled woman with down syndrome looking at phone and smiling

Our Services

Support designed to enhance wellbeing and promote independence.

Nursing Care

From medication management to specialised health care, we provide professional and empathetic nursing services.

Assistance with Daily Activities

Our assistance with daily activities is designed to support autonomy, from personal care to routine tasks.

Why Choose Us

Personalised Care, Tailored to You

Choosing Lilium Care means opting for a service that’s tailored to your specific needs. We pride ourselves on our:

We Love NDIS Logo
Disabled amputee woman in home with support worker
What is the NDIS

Understanding NDIS

We understand that navigating the NDIS system can be challenging. There are many steps which include the initial assessment; identifying your goals, needs and necessary supports; creating a plan that incorporates these; understanding the different types of plan management and selecting the one that suits you best; and finally choosing a care provider.

If you have any queries or would like some guidance through the process, please contact our team at Lilium Care.

Call us

0402 310 867


Our Services

Support designed to enhance wellbeing and promote independence.

Nursing Care

From medication management to specialised health care, we provide professional and empathetic nursing services.

Assistance with Daily Activities

Our assistance with daily activities is designed to support autonomy, from personal care to routine tasks.


Our Services

Support designed to enhance wellbeing and promote independence.

Nursing Care

From medication management to specialised health care, we provide professional and empathetic nursing services.

Assistance with Daily Activities

Our assistance with daily activities is designed to support autonomy, from personal care to routine tasks.

Contact Us

Contact Us at Lilium Care

If you’re looking for information, need some advice on our services, or just want to discuss your care needs, we’re here and ready to assist. We value open communication and are committed to understanding and addressing your individual requirements.

Call us

0402 310 867

Call us

0450 723 115

Email us


Adelaide, South Australia